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drupmaster's blog

New film documents indigenous mountain community network

29 Feb 2016

This 30 minute film, produced by indigenous filmmakers in Taiwan, documents the emergence of a new global indigenous network - the International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP) - at a ‘walking workshop’ in Bhutan in May-June 2014. The network aims to strengthen the capacity of indigenous mountain communities to confront climate change through exchange of indigenous knowledge and seeds, and strengthening biocultural heritage and indigenous farming systems.

COP 21: Indigenous spiritual and cultural values to guide climate change adaptation

09 Dec 2015

Respect for the spiritual values and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples is a key component in the response to climate change, as was today asserted by an agreement between the Center for Earth Ethics (CEE) of Union Theological Seminary, the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University, and the Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Assessments Initiative (IPBCCA) of Asociacion ANDES.


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