Protecting community rights over traditional knowledge: Implication of customary laws and practices. Interim report of project findings. Swiderska et al (2006).
Banishing the Biopirates: A new approach to protecting traditional knowledge. K. Swiderska. 2006. IIED Gatekeepers 129.
Protecting Traditional Knowledge: A framework based on customary laws and bio-cultural Heritage.K. Swiderska. 2006. Paper for the International Conference on Endogenous Development and Bio-Cultural Diversity, COMPAS. Geneva.
Protecting traditional knowledge from the grassroots up. K. Swiderska. 2009. IIED Briefing Paper.
Protecting community rights over traditional knowledge: Implications of customary laws and practices. Key findings and recommendations 2005-2009. Swiderska et al (2009).
BBC Viewpoint: Could things for biodiversity go from bad to worse?
Equitable Benefit-Sharing or Self-Interest? K. Swiderska. 2010. IIED Opinion Paper.
Traditional Resource Rights and Indigenous People in the Andes. Argumedo A. and M. Pimbert. 2005. IIED SLFS programme.
Protecting Indigenous Knowledge Against Biopiracy in the Andes. Argumedo A. and M. Pimbert. 2006. IIED SLFS Programme.
Implementing Farmers' Rights under the FAO Treaty on PGRFA: The need for a broad approach based on biocultural heritage. Argumedo et al (2011). Paper for GB4, Bali.
Protecting community rights over traditional knowledge: Implications of customary laws and practices. IIED et al. 2006.