Local Wax Maize in Long'an
Participatory Plant Breeding and Farmers' Rights in S.W. China.
Coordinated by:
Yiching Song ([email protected]) and
Jingsong Li ([email protected])
Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP)
The role of biodiversity, traditional knowledge and participatory plant breeding in climate change adaptation in Karst mountain areas in SW China. Yiching Song and Jingsong Li (2011).
Use it or Lose it: Protecting the traditional knowledge, genetic resources and customary laws of marginal farmers in SW China. Jingsong Li and Yiching Song (2010).
India: Traditional knowledge in Lepcha and Limbu communities (Kalimpong, Eastern Himalaya)
Protecting Lepcha and Limbus Farmers' Rights in E. Himalayas.
Coordinated by:
Ruchi Pant ([email protected])
Ecoserve, Delhi
Read: Heritage on the Edge: Protecting Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources in the Eastern Himalayas, India. Ruchi Pant (2012)
Watch video: Heritage on the edge (on IIED site)
A short film exploring the status and threats to Bio-cultural Heritage, and the responses needed.
India: Yanadi Healer
Protecting Yanadi Healers' Rights in Andhra Pradesh
Coordinated by:
S. Vedavathy
Herbal and Folklore Research Centre (HFRC)
Read: Displaced and Marginalised: Protecting the traditional knowledge, customary laws and forest rights of Yanadi tribals of Andhra Pradesh. S. Vedavathy (2010).
Mijikenda elders, Kenya
Protecting Maasai and Mijikenda Healers’ Rights
Coordinated by:
Doris Mutta ([email protected])
Kenya Forestry Research Centre, KEFRI) and
Peter Munyi ([email protected])
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, ICIPE
Read: Protecting Traditional Health Knowledge in Kenya: The Role of Customary Laws and Practices. Paul Ongugo, Doris Mutta, Mohamed Pakia, Peter Munyi (2012)
Panama: Kuna woman participating in community workshop on traditional knowledge
Protecting Kuna and Embera Wounaan Medicinal Knowledge
Coordinated by:
Heraclio Herrera ([email protected])
Fundacion Dobbo Yala
Peru: Farmers sharing potatoes in the Potato Park
Andean Customary Laws and Equitable Benefit-Sharing in the Potato Park
Coordinated by:
Alejandro Argumedo ([email protected])
Asociacion ANDES